money never sleep?

have read this somewhere and have tried to write it again in international language.
maybe it's so worthed to share, well.

With money:

You can buy a house, but not a home.
You can buy a clock, but not time.
You can buy a bed, but not sleep.
You can buy a book, but not knowledge.
You can get a position, but not respect.
You can buy blood, but not life.
You can buy finery, but not beauty.
You can see a doctor, but not health.
You can hire a teacher, but not intelligence.
You can be rich, but not happy.
You can buy companions, but not friends.
You can buy amusement, but not happiness.

Sometimes it’s good to remember, right? 

get down to this kind of thing. seriously.
yeah it's important we know, but don't forget about why do you live for.
we live for life, not for money itself.
just don't get blind by it, godspeed :)

Teno, out.

By tenoismoko with 4 comments

4 kripik:

have read this before at one of the hotel in Surabaya.
nice share.
pos yg lebih bermutu daripada yg lain :p

yes, the important thing is, i admitted that i have read this before.
so it's probably known by someone else's point of view, like you :)

sek sek bentar, maksudnya pos yang lebih bermutu daripada yang lain apa nih? ._.

senengane kok lupain -__-
payaah ah payaaah

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