Killing every hard feelings you got down there.


Ready to take you to joy of the edge of the earth.


At least I'm not lying.

Why won't you ever know ... ?

Stars and city lights will be my witness.

After lovely sunset of course..

Yes you already knew

I know your all little dirty secret, and we're here to support you with all of my disposable lies. In your eyes. Not with mine.


huruf n

sadarkan lalu sa(n)darkan

By tenoismoko with No comments


can't do that. sorry.

simply, i looked everywhere.
i waited.
in vain.
and stopped.

sometimes i feel guilty.
why always me, that hurt your heart and.
mind and.
feelings and.
break your smile and.
laughter and.
everything that i actually love!

is there anything I CAN DO FOR YOU?
because i will be really really pleased, being your helping hand.
even for a while, and for a fucking centimeter.
in our concentric world.

laugh? love? break it up.
i'm not concerned in it.
the important thing is..
duh. forget what i wrote.
i'll tell the world soon.

i'm frustrated. but i can't die now.
and i won't.
because death awaits, in somewhere-dead-end-streets.
do you know where is it?
you don't know right?


By tenoismoko with No comments



tunggu aku besok dan aku perlihatkan apa itu #RETROVOLUTION :)

By tenoismoko with No comments


selamat (s)

selamat malam.
selamat mendung.
selamat datang.
selamat hujan.
selamat hujan.
selamat tidur.
selamat bermimpi indah.
selamat yaa.

selamat datang.
dan selamatkan aku.

By tenoismoko with No comments


kosakata [1]

postponement kb. penundaan, penangguhan, pertangguhan, pemunduran.

By tenoismoko with No comments



berhenti. mendadak. tapi tetap berjalan.
ada displacement.
kelihatan dari pohon-pohon di kanan-kiri berjalan melawan arah.
atau cuma gerak semu?
tujuan sih sudah hampir sampai.
tapi kok ga sampai sampai.
ternyata memang sedang berhenti.
tapi kok berjalan.

haish sudahlah.
semoga berhenti tepat pada waktunya.
dan tepat pada tempatnya!
haha hampir lupa.

Teno, out!

By tenoismoko with No comments


dibunuh pembunuh

i got soul but i am not a soldier . . .

By tenoismoko with No comments


tujuh tanda setuju

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bodo amat. yang penting saya masih peduli. maaf saja.

By tenoismoko with 2 comments



after i took one step forward.
suddenly i'm moving upward.
upward. on and on.

when i reach the air, i believe i'll met...
someone like you that could understand what's inside mine.
someone like you that could tell me why i'm there.
someone like you that could give me a warmest hug to survive this fucking cold night.
someone like you that could kiss me in a cheek while holding my hand tenderly.
someone like you that could give me a boost to reach even higher places above me.
someone like you that could listen my story from my very first to my chit-chat of my silly future.
someone like you that could make my smile hold still until i fall down again someday.
someone like you that could see and accept my stupidness and "flawly" attitude in that altitude.
someone like you that could ready to fight for me, protecting me, conceptually.
someone like you that could sing for me until i sleep.

and when i wake up again,
i found you and your flawless heart.
smiling at me with your best try.
very best.
reflecting my eyes in your black eyes.

Insya Allah :)

Teno, out.

By tenoismoko with 1 comment


tebu tebuu. you know tebu?

tanpa setetes gula, lemon water buatku mengernyit.
lebih dalam, saat mendengar pintamu.
memang masam.
dan aku suka karena masam itu aku yang pilih.
begitupun ketika menggeleng.
aku akhiri dengan mennyeruput irisan jeruk nipis di pinggir puncak gelas.

sepanjang kubersendiri pulang.
pahit kulitnya mengejawantah kehilangan.
dan aku tetap suka karena pahit sudah biasa.

ternyata suka sesuatu itu tergantung. nggak saklek.
baru tahu. haha.

By tenoismoko with No comments


dibawah ZXCVBNM,./

Guru Bahasa Indonesia bilang, setelah titik kita harus memberi jeda.
Jangan panjang-panjang.
Cukup satu spasi saja.
Tapi dalam spasi yang cuma satu kita bisa berbuat banyak:
menghela nafas, menangis, tertawa, bercanda, sholat dan ke kamar mandi mungkin.
Apapun kegiatan selama satu spasi itu pastikan agar akan ada kalimat baru dengan huruf kapital yang percaya diri memimpin sederet kata-kata lanjutan.

Dan titik hanyalah simbol penutup.
Titik menyelesaikan satu persoalan.
Satu titik bagi yang lain berarti terbukanya kesempatan bagi lainnya.
Sebuah titik bisa jadi tantangan, sanggupkah kita menulis hingga klimaks atau justru anti klimaks dan cerita harus berakhir.
Sebuah permulaan selalu butuh keberanian.
Aku dapatkan itu dari mimpi.
Dalam dunia mimpi tak ada yang aku tak mampu.
Maka aku tak mau lupa bermimpi dalam spasi untuk mewujudkannya kemudian bersama rangkaian kalimat baru hingga ruang waktuku benar-benar usai.

semacam implementasi. semoga dapat tetap berkarya :)
Teno, out.

By tenoismoko with No comments