Killing every hard feelings you got down there.


Ready to take you to joy of the edge of the earth.


At least I'm not lying.

Why won't you ever know ... ?

Stars and city lights will be my witness.

After lovely sunset of course..

Yes you already knew

I know your all little dirty secret, and we're here to support you with all of my disposable lies. In your eyes. Not with mine.



Pagi berdawai. Kunci mayor yang tersusun rapi di kotak musikku seketika berantakan menjadi susunan mayor dengan tempo progresif. Sejauh ini, aku terbangun dengan suara berisik musik jazz murahan dengan kunci minor tujuh. Kelihatannya menenangkan, tapi ternyata cuma sebuah musik palsu yang sok mahal dan tak terbeli. Sekilas memang terlihat berkelas. Namun, bah. mengingatnya saja aku malas!

Apa perlu diteriakkan lagi, apa perlu dikampanyekan lagi lebih keras? Menggantikan idealisme kalian semua tentang ini, menjadi sebuah pemikiran dan filosofi baru. Lihat itu disana kaum minoritas! Mereka senang bercinta dengan keterbatasan. Tapi jujur. Tidak penuh alibi palsu memuakkan.

Senyum ini asli. Sebuah suara baru muncul mengagetkan, yang jika dinikmati dengan mata terpejam akan membuatmu mendengarkan setiap gesekan kuku panjang belum dipotong dari para pemain gitar berdawai enam, setiap baut yang mengendor dari snare drum, setiap feedback yang dimunculkan oleh microphone dan amplifier, setiap serak suara vokaler vokalis menandakan dinamika kesehatan, dan segala bentuk keterbatasan lainnya. Jauh. Sangat jauh dari kesempurnaan. Justru itu yang perlu diresapi. Getaran suara menjalar ke aku. Bergetar sampai alveolus. Ah pokoknya seperti itu. Semua orang pernah merasakannya.

Justru yang seperti ini yang logis. Jujur dan tidak dibuat-buat. Semuanya transparan, lugu, seperti anak kecil yang menyombongkan keterampilan berbicaranya di depan orang banyak walaupun mengucap alfabet ke delapan belas pun masih tidak becus. Bukan malah menggunakan alat bantu berbicara, lalu memakai topeng. Tidak terlihat? Sudah tidak berlaku! Tidak berlaku bagi kami yang mendengarkan tidak langsung dari depan. Bukan takut menjadi mainstream, tapi itu satu-satunya cara untuk mempelajari.

Well, setiap orang punya caranya sendiri kan?

By tenoismoko with No comments


Three Files

Well hello. Haha it's been a while since my last post. Actually, I have soooooo so many thoughts that I want you guys know. They're raining down on me. Randomly switching moods and attitudes. At least I want to share them here, as a warning, or just for fun. In any case, if you meet these three thoughts too in the next day or later, you've already known the solutions, after reading this fucking writings. If you think that this is will be useless, STAHP READING. Seriously.


Here are the rules! For the first time, I'd like you to guess eeeevery thoughts and feelings that written below. I ain't going to write those words. But your hearts, will tell the answers. 
And the second, watchout for those words of mine, maybe one of you feels like I-AM-POINTING-FINGER-TO-YOU-SO-THAT-EVERYBODY-KNOWS-WHO-AND-WHAT-AM-I-TALKING-ABOUT. You guys must be well prepared to read this.

Here we go.


Number one. We all have one friend or two that are really really evil as fuck. They have no good attitudes among the others. They did that by just talking about the other's badness and tell to the others. I'm not going to explain what's the detail. But it's clear enough, that simply kills my smile. Trustworthy. Is it that much, until you can't have it? Do I have to pay some pennies to buy you that "trustworthy" perk?. Nah. I DON'T THINK SO. I don't want to think about it anymore. I realized that they are friends of mine as well, but they even don't know what number of my shoes size. They don't have any rights to judge the other people's personality by just watching people's eye brows, sniffing perfumes, and touching shadows. There are moooore more things to feel. In other words, for me, that's a just new method of lying.

Number two. :) .

Number three. These assignments, need a lot of time and efforts. And I really want you to focus as much as you can! When you feel bad and needs someone to listen your stories, you know where you should go and start talking. Here, I'm trying to keep you on the line when you want to do it, or forget it and have fun so you could forget those fatigues for a while whenever you wanted too. Slowly but sure, keep your motivations burning, and I'll keep those fuels splashing down to that flames of inspirations. LIGHT UP BABY! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!

What a night!
So, can you solve these riddles?
I know you can. Only you :)

Goodluck, you there.
Finish line awaits :)

By tenoismoko with No comments


This and That. I prefer This than That.


Clever Love.

Because of you.

By tenoismoko with No comments